Archive for January, 2019

Jan 29 2019

Chiropractor Jobstown NJ – Duration of Sleep Can Increase Risk of Falling

Published by under Drs. Dawn and Ryan Wille

It is estimated that 1 in 3 older adults fall each year, and over 600,000 people die as a result, most of them aged 65 years and older. Sleep duration may be the number one cause. Watch this video now to find out why. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.

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Jan 22 2019

Chiropractor Jobstown NJ A Key Intervention to Improve Health and Longevity

Published by under Drs. Dawn and Ryan Wille

There is strong evidence supporting the human body cannot run optimally when continuously fed, increasing risks for chronic degenerative disease. It is one of the oldest dietary interventions in the world, and modern science is endorsing its profound benefits influencing health and longevity. Watch this video now to find out what the research says and what you can do. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.

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Jan 15 2019

Chiropractor Jobstown NJ – Are There Benefits to Energy Drinks?

Published by under Drs. Dawn and Ryan Wille

The energy drink industry is a multibillion dollar global business with over 500 energy drink products on the market today. So, do the benefits of consuming energy drinks outweigh the risks? Watch this video now to find out what the research says about energy drinks, how effective they are and how dangerous they can be. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.

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Jan 08 2019

Chiropractor Jobstown NJ Breast Cancer Survival Improves

Published by under Drs. Dawn and Ryan Wille

Do you know what increases your risk of getting breast cancer? Do you know what you need to do to increase your chance of surviving it? Almost 25% of the women diagnosed with breast cancer will not survive, but there are things you can do to increase the likelihood that you will. Watch this video now to find out the simple lifestyle changes you can make to put the odds of survival in your favor. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.

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Jan 01 2019

Chiropractor Jobstown NJ – A Better Solution for Insomnia

Published by under Drs. Dawn and Ryan Wille

A recent paper published in the Journal of Sleep Medicine & Disorders suggested that some insomnia cases could be caused by complex chemical interactions in the brain resulting from subluxation. Watch this video now to find out the best way to treat a subluxation and a few other tips on dealing with insomnia. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.

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