Sep 19 2011

Radioactivity Leaks – Coming to a town near you

Published by Drs. Dawn and Ryan Wille at 2:15 pm under 2nd Cousin,Chiropractic,Drs. Dawn and Ryan Wille,HealthNews

HealthNews of the Month
Click on each headline to read the full story.

Radioactive tritium leaks found at 48 US nuke sites
“You got pipes that have been buried underground for 30 or 40 years, and they’ve never been inspected.”

Anti-inflammatory curry extract may reduce tendonitis and arthritis
“Curcumin extract may be able to suppress biological mechanisms that spark inflammation in tendon diseases, according to new research.”

Antibacterial Chemical Raises Safety Issues
“The maker of Dial Complete hand soap says that it kills more germs than any other brand. But is it safe?”

Fatty Foods May Boost Moods
“Fat-rich ‘comfort foods’ may actually alter the brain’s response to sadness, and boost mood, according to new research.”


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