This is Dr. Dawn and Dr. Ryan Wille of Springfield Family Chiropractic in Springfield NJ, and we found this article on “Allergies and Sensitivities” on our own Doctor’s Resource on our website. Allergies come in many forms but can be manageable with proper diet and a strong nervous system with chiropractic care.
Take action to control your allergies. Breathe easy by learning more about how to manage symptoms. According to research or other evidence, the following self-care steps may be helpful.
Tags: allergies, Chiropractic, Drs. Dawn and Ryan Wille, food allergies, immune system, Nutrition, Springfield Family Chiropractic
This is Dr. Dawn and Dr. Ryan Wille of Springfield Family Chiropractic in Springfield NJ, and we found this article on “6 Simple Ways to Lose Weight” on our own Doctor’s Resource on our website. Losing those extra pounds could be easier than you think and combining a healthier diet with chiropractic care can help the body be the best it can be.
Rise and chow
If you think skipping breakfast will help you shed a few pounds, think again. Not eating a morning meal can actually trick the body into thinking it is starving, which makes it hold on to fat or cause you to eat more during the day.
Tags: Chiropractic, Drs. Dawn and Ryan Wille, Nutrition, Springfield Family Chiropractic, Springfield NJ, weight loss
This is Dr. Dawn and Dr. Ryan Wille of Springfield Family Chiropractic in Springfield NJ, and we found this great article on “D” for Depression on our own Doctor’s Resource on our website. Extra vitamin D and a strong nervous system with chiropractic care can help the body be the best it can be.
The list of health benefits linked to vitamin D is rapidly growing, and a new report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that women who eat high amounts of vitamin D may lower their risk of having depression symptoms by as much as 20%.
Tags: Depression, Drs. Dawn and Ryan Wille, Nutrition, Springfield Family Chiropractic, Springfield NJ, Supplements, VItamin D
This is Dr. Dawn and Dr. Ryan Wille of Springfield Family Chiropractic in Springfield NJ, and we found this great article on “Nutritional Help for Children with Autism” on our own Doctor’s Resource on our website. A proper diet and a strong nervous system with chiropractic care can help the body be the best it can be.
Taking an NAC supplement—the easy name for N-acetyl cysteine—might help reduce symptoms of irritability in children with autism, according to a small study published in Biological Psychiatry.
Tags: autism, Chiropractic, Drs. Dawn and Ryan Wille, Nutrition, Springfield Family Chiropractic, Springfield NJ, Supplements
This is Dr. Dawn and Dr. Ryan Wille of Springfield Family Chiropractic in Springfield NJ, and we found this great article on “Immune Function” on our own Doctor’s Resource on our website. At the time of year when we are at a higher risk of flu, colds etc., its important to know the steps to get our bodies immune system stronger. Combining a healthy nervous system with chiropractic care can help give us the boost we need.
The immune system is a complex network of tissues, organs, cells, and chemicals that protects the body from infection and illness. According to research or other evidence, the following self-care steps may be helpful.
Tags: Colds, Drs. Dawn and Ryan Wille, Flu, immune system, Springfield Family Chiropractic, Springfield NJ
This is Dr. Dawn and Dr. Ryan Wille of Springfield Family Chiropractic in Springfield NJ, and we found this great article on “Dessert after Breakfast: A New Weight-Loss Strategy?” on our own Doctor’s Resource on our website. A balanced diet and maybe even “Dessert after Breakfast” along with a strong nervous system with chiropractic care can help our bodies be healthier.
Research presented at the 2012 meeting of the Endocrine Society introduces an entirely new concept in the weight loss wars: Dessert at breakfast time! At first glance, this may seem a little crazy, but the preliminary findings are interesting.
Tags: breakfast, Chiropractic, dessert, Drs. Dawn and Ryan Wille, Springfield Family Chiropractic, Springfield NJ, weight loss
This is Dr. Dawn and Dr. Ryan Wille of Springfield Family Chiropractic in Springfield NJ, and we found this great article on “Hosting a Halloween Party for Small Spooks” on our own Doctor’s Resource on our website. It’s that time of year again when we dress up in costumes and create some “scary” treats. Combine a chiropractic spinal check up with halloween this year and be a healthier you. Your BONES will thank you for it!
Trick or treat—it’s party time! This year, plan a Halloween party at home for ghouls and goblins as an alternative to trick-or-treating—or do both!
It’s as easy as saying “boo!”
Tags: Chiropractic, Drs. Dawn and Ryan Wille, halloween, halloween food, party, Springfield Family Chiropractic, Springfield NJ
This is Dr. Dawn and Dr. Ryan Wille of Springfield Family Chiropractic in Springfield NJ, and we found this great article on Prostate health on our own Doctor’s Resource on our website. A proper diet and a strong nervous system with chiropractic care can help the body be stronger and healthier.
What can men do to prevent prostate cancer, the most common type of cancer in men in the US, UK, and Europe? Be sure to get enough selenium, a new review says, after finding that men with high (but not excessively high) selenium levels have a lower risk of prostate cancer.
Tags: Chiropractic, Nutrition, Prostate Health, Springfield Family Chiropractic, Springfield NJ
This is Dr. Dawn and Dr. Ryan Wille of Springfield Family Chiropractic in Springfield NJ, and we found this great article on Cranberries on Urinary and Prostate health on our own Doctor’s Resource on our website. Remember a proper diet and regular chiropractic care can help the body be stronger and healthier.
Cranberries have a long history as a natural treatment for urinary tract infections and a new study in the British Journal of Nutrition now reports that they may also help improve urinary flow and other symptoms associated with prostate enlargement in men. “These results are the first firm evidence that cranberries may [improve] lower urinary tract symptoms,” said the Czech researchers.
Tags: Chiropractic, Drs. Dawn and Ryan Wille, Springfield Family Chiropractic, Springfield NJ
With this new awareness, alterations in behavior should be self evident. Give a listen!